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We are watching you...

Alien Enemies is a community with a collection of 10,000 NFTs on the Etherum Blockchain.

0.01 ETH/NFT (Max 20)



who are Alien Enemes?

In a bid to become the superior race, humans have ruined everything in their path. Thousands of species endangered and extinct to fulfil the never-ending greed, Mother Earth falling to pieces, new diseases affecting the world – we’re not the only ones witnessing this.

For years, life on the other planets have flourished, while aliens watch over the Earth with ever-growing anger, until one day they decided it was enough – it was time to take charge!

No more destruction!

After serious thinking, aliens came to the decision that humankind needed to be stopped, the hopes that humans would come to their senses and stop the madness long since faded. It was time to help Earth recover its lost glory and beauty, without global warming, man-made fires, and other catastrophes that damage the planet daily.

Stealthily, in their invisible and fast-moving UFOs, they arrived on the Earth only to witness that humans were divided – while some were evil, the others were good. There were people with the heart to bring a change, were compassionate and kind, had no role, and didn’t deserve to die. Aliens couldn’t just kill them all, could they?

With a change in heart, it was decided to protect the sapiens instead of destroying them – maybe there was hope after all!

Primolien Vs. Alientron – An Epic Clash!

Unfortunately, the decision came with horrible consequences. The aliens stood divided, and not everyone agreed on saving the human race. The conflict eventually leads to a brutal civil war between the leader of aliens who wanted to protect mankind, named Primolien, and the leader of aliens who wanted to destroy mankind, Alientron.



Alien Enemes Are Among Us

For an accessible price of 0.01 ETH you receive 1 Alien Enemes NFT that provides you not only a mind-blowing PFP and also membership in our exclusive club for meets, events, exclusive merch, 2D comic Books and more roadmap versions will be released as we progress!

Own a piece of uniqueness as each artwork is randomly generated, each having exciting characteristics.


Join a community of 10k aliens fighting for the universe

ready to be aboard the spaceship?

0.01 ETH/NFT (Max 20)




How many Enemes will be recruited?


When is Alien Enemes officially launching?


How did Alien Enemes come into existence?


Is there a set roadmap?


I’m in! How do I get my own Eneme?
